
In the essay entitled “Muntaha Adil’s Written L&L Narrative,” Muntaha Adil, a college student, delves into the complex issue of language discrimination and highlights the challenges of acquiring proficiency in a new language. Although born in the United States, Adil’s narrative revolves around her pursuit of knowledge in Urdu, a commendable endeavor showcasing her unwavering commitment to preserving her cultural heritage. Adil’s primary objective in crafting this narrative is to enlighten her readers about the hardships associated with mastering multiple languages. Her journey towards fluency in Urdu serves as a conduit connecting her to her Pakistani roots. A pivotal moment during her visit to Pakistan underscores the importance of embracing one’s culture, even when one occasionally grapples with feelings of not entirely fitting in. Adil’s narrative employs a tone that suggests she wrote this piece for individuals who, like herself, have confronted language difficulties.

Muntaha Adil employs vivid descriptions to engage her readers, enabling them to immerse themselves in her narrative. For instance, when she reminisces, “One day I was sitting on the couch in my dadi amma (dad mom) house. It’s a huge house that no one has lived in since the whole family moved to America, so when we go to Lahore we stay there. It has about 5 floors and it isn’t renovated, so it’s still like a vintage house from the late 20th century.” Her attention to detail draws readers into the narrative, allowing them to visualize and empathize with her experiences. Adil’s intent with such vivid descriptions is to enable readers to better understand her journey and perhaps find parallels in their own lives, as they see how she overcame her language challenges.

In a conversation with Muntaha, she offered valuable insights into her narrative and the underlying themes. When asked about the advice she would give to individuals facing similar language-related challenges, Adil encouraged others to embrace their culture wholeheartedly. She emphasized the importance of not distancing oneself from their cultural roots, especially for first-generation individuals who may grapple with the desire to conform to American norms. Adil’s message resounds with the significance of embracing one’s cultural identity, irrespective of external perceptions.

Furthermore, when questioned about her motivations for choosing this specific topic, Adil shared that sharing her narrative and connecting with others who have had similar experiences brought her a sense of fulfillment. Her willingness to share her experiences allowed her to step out of her comfort zone and shed light on her language barrier struggles. This, she believes, is a positive and empowering act, illustrating her growth and resilience.

As for the changes in her Urdu proficiency since writing her narrative, Adil revealed that her commitment to improvement was unwavering. She diligently corrected her mistakes and monitored her language use, thereby ensuring she didn’t repeat the errors. Her dedication to refining her language skills mirrors her passion for preserving her cultural heritage.

Reflecting on personal experiences related to language and culture, I shared with Adil my own struggle with speaking a particular dialect of Spanish. Even in situations where my Spanish differed from the mainstream dialect, people still attempted to correct me, which paralleled her experiences in many ways. Adil’s narrative resonated with me, as we both faced language challenges that were deeply connected to our cultural identities.

In a deeper conversation, Adil acknowledged that her mistake in pronouncing a particular Urdu word was a pivotal turning point. She recognized that, had this not occurred, she might have continued making the same error throughout her life, uncorrected and unnoticed. Ultimately, she found the experience to be enlightening, despite the initial embarrassment she felt.

Muntaha Adil’s connection to her culture and language is profound and enduring. As a Pakistani, she holds her cultural identity close to her heart and actively engages in cultural expression. Her love for Urdu, her participation in cultural activities, and her passion for Desi entertainment reflect the deep-rooted significance of culture and language in her life. Adil’s narrative serves as an inspirational testament to the importance of preserving one’s cultural heritage and the power of language in fostering that connection.

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